She’s Still Surprising Me

July 29, 2009 at 7:51 am

I think this girl really has the potential to be a lawyer.

My cheeky girl

Zara sometimes see a nice wedding scene on magazines or her TV show, and she’ll talk about getting married.
Initially, she said she wanted to get married to Daddy’s boss, because Daddy’s boss is extremely handsome (so mummy told her). However we told her by the time she’s old enough to get married, Daddy’s boss will be too old for her.
We offered her alternative. She loves pasta and cheese and hence we told her she may want to get married to an Italian.
Few days later, she said, “Mummy, how am I going to get married to an Italian?”, she sounded very worried. “I cannot speak Italian.”
It seems she’s been thinking about our proposal. o.O”

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I told Zara over the weekend, “My eye sight is getting bad. I think I need a pair of glasses made.
Zara casually asked, “Did you get your book yet?”
I answered, “I need a pair of glasses, not a book.”
She replied, “Did you get your book yet? You know, a book to give you instructions to make a pair of glasses?”
Oh, she probably thought glasses (which no one in the house wear one, thank our lucky stars), can be made following instructions from a book just like cake making or biscuit making.

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While checking out my SIL’s new house which is bigger, and more spacious, Zara sulked and said, “I don’t like people’s house to be bigger than mine you know.” and then she added “I don’t want them to pity me (and my small house).”

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It’s always hard trying to get Zara to finish her homework before dinner. Yesterday, while we were going to the park she told me, “I like to have fun first, then later, do my homework.”
I teased her, “In that case, maybe mummy also should have fun first, and do my work later. Then maybe mummy’s boss won’t be happy and won’t pay mummy the money to buy food or clothes for you.”
She considered it for a moment and replied, “Mummy, don’t listen to me ok? You follow what your heart tells you to do.”

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