Why Not? Name that feels?

April 9, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Zaria’s favourite phrase now is “Why not?”

Zara : Zaria, don’t colour on jiejie’s book.
Zaria : “Why not?”

While I’m working,
Zaria : Mummy, I want to sit on your lap.
Me : No, mummy is working.
Zaria : “Why not?”

Daddy : This is your last chocolate already, you cannot have any more.
Zaria : “Why not?”


Zaria was digging out books from the shelf in the study, and have those books strewn all over the floor. Before she went down stairs (and out of the room), I told her, “Zaria, you took the books out and scattered them on the floor, you must clean up before you go downstairs.
“I’m not jiejie, ok.” She replied while walking out of the room.

(and it’s the case in the house, Zara will clean and tidy up but Zaria always ‘designate’ to Jelly or just refused by saying “I cannot.”).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yesterday, just out of the blue, Zara said, “Mum, I don’t like my name you know. Why do you call me Zara?”
Me : *a bit surprised* “Zara is a beautiful name, why don’t you like it?”
Zara : “I want a name with feelings.”
o.O” Can some one please tell me what is a name with feelings?
Me : “What do you mean a name with feelings? What kind of names would you like to be called”
Zara : “How about Shanika?”
o.O” Where did she get that name from? Anybody knows if any princesses in Disney or Barbie show which is called Shanika?

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